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Monday, May 31, 2010

De Poort Village Project

For tomorrow's site visit to De Poort Village Project, please bring R5 entry fee - we negotiated student discount. Bring along sketch pad, drawing instruments. While there, you must prepare diagrams for the phase 1 building as follows:1. structural idea 2. functional idea/ circulation. Put these on your blog before the first day of next term.

Paarl 1 June

Visit architect Karin Strom's work at You might also want to check out De Poort Village Project at

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Architectural Design 1 Lectures by Dr. Yasser Mahgoub - Lecture 1 Introduction

Check out this SlideShare Presentation:

first facebook member!

Congratulations! Helmut Orffer was the first to join the principles of architectural design 3 facebook group! You are all invited to search this group and then request to be allowed to join. We will of course accept your request! Please do so as soon as possible to ensure that you are kept in the loop.

Cameron Sinclair on open-source architecture | Video on

Cameron Sinclair on open-source architecture | Video on

Facebook group

We are in the process of creating a facebook group "principles of architectural design 3". Please visit the facebook group and request to join.

Friday, May 28, 2010


Hi all!

Due to the problems experienced with the Plascon website, extention is granted until 25 June 2010, for the electronic upload of submissions.

We also established that:

- submissions are uploaded online

- no prescription regarding the paper size

- just ensure the file is not too big

We suggest that, should you want to enter the competition, you:

1. register on the Plascon website asap

2. e mail Jolanda and/or you bring your work on Monday between 10h00 and 12h00 - make appointment by e mail - for feedback

Good luck!

Plascon competition

Hi all participants,

1. please get yourselves registered on the Plascon website asap
2. your are welcome to e mail Jolanda during the week end for feedback on your work

Thanks and good luck!

CTD site visit

The CTD site visit to Paarl on Tuesday afternoon (1st June) is confirmed. The bus will leave at 13h15 sharp!
Please collect a hard hat from Carleen and do not wear open shoes, sandles or high heeled shoes for safety reasons.

On the way back we will visit an exciting new building by Karen Strom architect: De Poort skills development complex, Paarl. Jolanda and Hermie will meet you there.

Do check the blog daily, please. We will soon inform you of the PAD holiday exercises related to the Kalk Bay project.

We must also say thank you for great cooperation during the portfolio exam! Your overall punctuality and good standard of work is commendable. There will be no further PAD sessions this term.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Plascon Competition

Would the following people, in addition to the names already listed, check out the Plascon Website for competition requirements?

- T Denman
- MS Soeker
- LJ Bruwer
- GC Martin
- EC Coetzee
- JR Hugo
- M Sigabi
- JD Scholtz
- PD Conradie
- JV Ferro
- RL Canary

Suggested participants identified on last portfolio day:
- NL Dinis
- F Retief
- JF Geldenhuys
- A Rabe
- AI Ntsingana
- R Paulsen


After the first day of portfolio

Hi there,
yesterday went well. Thank you for the punctual and clearly set out work! Will the following persons please bring in their Proj 2 work, to discuss strategy for possible entry into the Plascon competition?
- J Basson
- K Van der Schaff
- J Kerii

Kindly e mail me at

Good luck to those who are presenting today and tomorrow.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Nearing portfolio

Are you coping? Here are some tips you might find useful:

- make sure to get a good night's rest before your presentation: you want to be well-rested to answer questions well
- plan your time well so that you spend your time in the areas where it will have maximum impact
- don't rely on last-minute printing, rather design you presentation to allow for freehand work, paste-ups etc.
- indicate the north point on all drawings and models
- check the passports for outcomes/ assessment criteria - those are the things your examiners will look for
- ask friends to help you pin up and take down your work
- paste sheets together to save on pin-up time
- rehearse your verbal presentation, make cards with key-words or, even better, use your pin-up presentation to guide your presentation.

- Project 1: we want to see the making of the hub, the TECHNOLOGY is important
- Project 2: we want to see WHERE, in which CLIMATIC CONTEXT you have designed the artist retreat, how did the ARTIST'S character influence the design, how did you deal with the FUNCTIONS?
Project 3: how did you deal with the public and historic CONTEXT, show it!

- you may e mail me at if you have specific questions

Good luck!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Countdown to portfolio!

Please note important facts:

1. Project 3 work must be removed a.s.a.p. to clear all venues in preparation of the portfolio exams.
2. Do take care to ensure your work do not go missing! Make copies, back-ups, take photos...
3. Study the note with portfolio rules - it will be handed out with portfolio programme.
4. Your project 3 passports may be collected from Carleen as from Friday at 10h00.
5. Remember to bring along all passports and models to the exam!
6. You may e mail your lecturers if you have any questions/ need feedback.
7. Jolanda will be available on Monday, but only between 12h30 and 15h00.
8. Prepare and properly rehearse a 3 minute presentation of one PAD project of your choice. Practise pointing to drawings/ models while you speak.

Good luck!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

good news bad news

So what do you want to know first? The good news or the bad news?

There was a request for an extension of time (until Wednesday) for project 3 hand in.

Therefore change in program as follows:
MONDAY, 17 May: Portfolio preparation: lecturers available for input - Jolanda and Hermie in their offices, only from 10:00 - 11:00
WEDNESDAY, 19 May: Pin up project 3 by 9:00.
MONDAY, 24 May: no session.
25 - 27 May: Portfolio assessment according to programme which will be available from the third year co-ordinator, Mike Rodseth.

Please note that, because of the extension of time, you are now missing out on portfolio feedback time, so do make use of Monday's 10:00 - 11:00 timeslot.

Good luck!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Crits on Wednesday, 12 May

Groups as follows:
Groups B: 10:00 - 10:45
Groups C: 10:45 - 11:30
Groups A: 11:30 - 12:15
Portfolio and Plascon competition preparation with respective lecturers: 12:15 - 13:00

Tips for the day:
1. Arrive at the START of your allocated crit group session
2. Open yourselves up to participating in peer learning - learn from your chommies and teach them what you know!
3. Make best use of your available time: first plan, then do

Good luck!

Friday, May 7, 2010

open invitation

If you are interested in online design support, please inform me on Monday, 10 May. I am busy studying the learning that happens in online/ virtual studio environments and need volunteers for my pilot study. In return, you will receive web-based assistance - an offer too good to refuse ;-)


here's some important june portfolio info:

- dates are: tues 25 may/ wed 26 may/ thurs 27 may
- your time slot will only be announced on mon 25 may
- in the meantime aim for tues 25 may!
- the exam will be in pin-up format
- prepare 5 min verbal presentation on any chosen project (1, 2 or 3)
- the stw3 exam will be first, then pad3 will follow (in the same venue)
- no late arrivals will be tolerated
- in case of illness or death, please phone Bongi at reception, first thing in the morning (medical/ relevant certificates must be produced on your return)

good luck!

For Monday, 10 May

You should be well on your way, developing your design idea.

Sorry we had no time to have the "tips on how to present your work" demonstration on Wednesday. We will do so on Monday.

Here are the project 3 group allocations:
Group 1: Michael
Group 2: Hermie
Group 3: Lisa
Group 4: Jolanda

If you've already been with this lecturer for another project, please inform Jolanda on Monday.

10 - 10:45 Tips on how to present your work (studio)
10:45 - 11:30 Groups A
11:30 - 12:15 Groups B
12:15 - 13:00 Groups C
13:00 - 14:00 Portfolio preparation (bring your past work)

Please tell Jolanda if you wish to enter. Your lecturers will help you prepare your entry. There are some great prizes and good publicity!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

5 May - bring model 1

Your lecturers are happy about the progress made at Monday's workshop and look forward to the crystalization of your design ideas/concepts/ holding ideas for project 3.

Please bring model 1 tomorrow.

Before we start the crits, Michael will share ideas about presenting your projects. We also hope to get Jake to share his wisdom on heritage issues.

We will allow 13:15 - 14:00 timeslot for feedback on improved past projects (portfolio preparation).

Remember not to forget to tell Jolanda tomorrow if you plan to submit your artist retreat for the Plascon Awards - closing date: 31 May!