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Monday, April 12, 2010

Please read

Dear student,

thank you for those who submitted Project 2 today.

Please collect Project 3 exercise brief from Bongiwe - or attached.

Please use your own transport and meet at 22 Genova Drive, Camps Bay to view Michael Borgstrom's nearly completed project. You will be taken on a tour around the building to see how the design idea has been integrated into the technology and detail resolution of the project.

Then meet in Rm 2C at 12:00 on Wednesday, after which there will be an important Project 2 feedback work shop in the studio.

Those of you who missed the hand in today (we accepted work until 13h30!), may put up your work in the studio. Feedback may be given, but you have missed the assessment opportunity. Only those students with valid excuses (sick certificates etc.) qualify for a later assessment. The next assessment opportunity is the Portfolio exams on 26 - 28 May 2010.

Please don't remove your work until 14:00 on Wednesday. Passports may be collected from Bongiwe (on 2nd floor) on Wednesday.

Thank you.

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